[getdns-api] string from dict bindata

Willem Toorop willem at nlnetlabs.nl
Mon May 2 09:06:39 UTC 2016

Op 02-05-16 om 02:40 schreef Melinda Shore:
> On 5/1/16 12:14 PM, Tom Pusateri wrote:
>> Are we supposed to peek inside of bindata and assume the bytes and
>> length are string data?
> Yes, unfortunately you need to know what type of data
> are being returned in each dictionary element, but if you
> do it's extremely reliable.  bindata->size holds the
> string length.  I've found that bindata strings do not
> always have a terminal \0, so in the Python bindings I'm
> doing string conversions using PyString_FromStringAndSize()
> rather than just PyString_FromString().

That is correct, the internally used getdns_dict_util_set_string() does
not copy the terminating \0 character, because the string length is
already provided in bindata.size.

Note that in our implementation of the API we provide some non-standard,
but more C-friendly functions to access the version information in
getdns_extra.h, that do return \0 terminated strings:

const char *getdns_get_version(void);
uint32_t getdns_get_version_number(void);
const char *getdns_get_api_version(void);
uint32_t getdns_get_api_version_number(void);

It also contains some macros providing the version information of the
library used at compile time:

#define GETDNS_VERSION "1.0.0b1"
#define GETDNS_NUMERIC_VERSION 0x00100100
#define GETDNS_API_VERSION "December 2015"

-- Willem

> Melinda
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